Understanding Non-physical Entities
Understanding Non-physical Entities
Within energetic therapies we find that the harmful and disruptive presence of entities are a lot more common than our current cultural paradigm might assume. These entities run the full spectrum from assistive and guiding through to malignant and destructive. Over the years a large amount of my work has been clearing and repairing practitioners and therapists from harmful encounters with these energies.
In this masterclass I look forward to sharing some of the tools and strategies I have developed through frontline work on thousands of complex cases over many years.
This masterclass is for all practitioners, meditators, and especially for energetic healers.
We will cover:
1. Parasitic entities feeding upon our pain body aspects
2. Wayward souls and daemonic possession
3. Attached operative spirits – such as drug spirits
4. Intelligent predatory entities within the Celestial Hierarchy
5. Wounded and fallen entities
6. Harmful pacts with beings of light
7. Vampiric group case study
8. Processes, and strategies for dealing with all the above
When : Sunday May 12th, 7:00-9:30pm AEST
Cost: $160.00
(TLP Meditation Group discount available)
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